Friday, July 6, 2012

Bucket List

While I feel vulnerable posting a very private list in a very public place, I feel it may be the kick in pants I need to start making some changes in my life. I was inspired by this website. Check it out he has some great and no so great ideas and that is what life is about isn't it?
On to the list in no particular order....
  1. Become debt free ( something I have been struggling with forever) 
  2. Go back to school or take a certificate course
  3. Find a job that leaves me time to breathe ( If you know me personally you know I always have a million all hours of the day and night jobs) DONE!!!
  4. Update this blog weekly for a year ( That's right folk's no more months at a time between posts)
  5. Find a natural way to control my ADD and depression ( I don't like the idea of drugs and sucking it up clearly isn't the way to go either. I need to find a balance)
  6. Take the master gardening course 
  7. Fall in love 
  8. Learn to make mistakes and be O.K. with them 
  9. Start a family ( Be an awesome parent)
  10. Visit my family in England 
  11. Visit Alicia in Pa
  12. Visit Cassandra in VA 
  13.  Learn how to properly clean and maintain a house hold ( those who know me also know this is a  struggle for me) 
  14.  Find an exercise regimen that doesn't make me want to kill puppies
  15.  Eat Vegan at least once a week ( less pizza and burgers more veggies) 
  16.  Get Married
  17.  Take one day a month for myself spend the day doing things I want to do not what I feel I have to do
  18.  Learn to drive a stick shift and not kill the clutch while doing so 
  19.  Take a pottery class
  20.  Purge one useless item every day for a year 
  21.  Spend a weekend in New York with friends
  22.  Do tough mudder
  23.  Own a house
  24.  Plant and harvest a vegetable garden- DONE
  25.  Go hiking 
  26.  Go scuba diving 
  27.  Take a vacation and not worry about work and money the whole time
  28.  Quit smoking 
  29.  Save 1000 dollars
  30.  Take CLEP
  31.  Read more watch tv less ( I am very very behind in my one book a week for year challenge) 
  32.  Win an award/ certificate of recognition
  33.  Get my real estate license ( Again) 
  34.  Go horseback riding ( I have been missing doing this for a while) 
  35.  Participate in a dance flash mob ( Looks so fun) 
  36.  Try a new recipe every month for a year
  37.  Get kissed under mistletoe
  38.  Grow a Hibiscus or rose of sharon have it live longer than a week 
  39.  Build a Habitat for Humanity home
  40.  Impact someones life in a positive way
  41.  Be more organized and self-disciplined
  42. Go for a week without spending any money
  43. Host a dinner party like I used to
  44. Take better care of myself
  45. Get Health insurance DONE!
  46. Go to the dentist (dental insurance wouldn't suck either)
  47. Make some new friends spend time with old ones
  48. Go on a garden tour
  49. Make a queen size blanket 
So that's it folks my bucket list...What would you put on yours?

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